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Traveler's French Cheat Sheet

Here are some phrases we found useful when traveling in France. It's not hard to get around France as an English speaker. In Paris, at least, a lot of people who work in restaurants, hotels or museums can speak English. But since you can't always count on it, it's always good to know a few helpful expressions!

By the way, most people will want to help you out, but don't assume people will speak English; to be polite, ask them first if they do.

Another helpful tip is to use the Google Translate camera feature to translate signs, menus and written text.

Bonjour Hello / good morning / good afternoon
Pronounced: bohn zhour

Au revoir Goodbye!
Pronounced: awr eh vwah

Bonsoir Good evening (as a greeting)
Pronounced: bohn swah

Bonne soirée Good evening (as a farewell)
Pronounced: bun swah ray

Ça va? How's it going? / What's up? / Everything okay?
Pronounced: sah vah

Ça va. It's going okay / I'm doing fine
Pronounced: sah vah

Un carafe d'eau s'il vous plaît Can I have a carafe of plain water, please?
Pronounced: ahn cah raf doh see vu play

Parlez vous anglais? Do you speak English?
Pronounced: pahr lay voo ahn glay

Je ne comprends pas I don't understand
Pronounced: zhen cohm prahn pah

Pas de problème No problem / don't worry about it
Pronounced: pah duh proh blehm

Enchanté Nice to meet you
Pronounced: ahn shahn tay

Oú est X? Where is X?
Pronounced: oo eh X

Ouvert open (seen on store windows)
Pronounced: oo vehr

Fermé closed (seen on store windows)
Pronounced: fehr may

C'est combien? How much (is this)?
Pronounced: say cohm-bee-ahn

C'est combien de temps? How long does it take? (e.g. for travel time)
Pronounced: say cohm-bee-ahn duh tahm

(X) s'il vous plaît? Could I have (X), please?
Pronounced: (X) see voo play

Oú se trouve les toilettes? Where is the restroom?
Pronounced: oo say troov lay twah let

J'ai une reservation I have a reservation
Pronounced: zhay oon rehz uhr vah syon

L'addition, s'il vous plaît. The check, please
Pronounced: lahd ees yohn see voo play

Pouvez-vous m'aider? Can you help me, please?
Pronounced: pooh vay voo meh day

Je suis perdu. I'm lost!
Pronounced: zhuh swee puhr doo

Excusez-moi Excuse me (used to get someone's attention)
Pronounced: ex kyoo zeh mwah

Pardon Sorry / excuse me (used if you bump into someone)
Pronounced: pahr dohn